SLA-Backed, Affordable WAN
Poor Response at Remote Locations?
High network latency can have a serious impact on productivity and the user experience in remote locations. Enterprises need to make a tough trade off between an affordable, but high latency, internet-based network or an expensive low-latency MPLS network.

SLA-backed, Affordable WAN
Cato leverages cloud scalability, software-defined networking and smart utilization of a multi-carrier backbone to deliver a high performance and SLA-backed global WAN - at an affordable price.

Optimized Global Enterprise Network

Cato enables customers to combine cheap bandwidth at the last mile with high performance, SLA-backed cloud network. This maximizes the user experience across the WAN and access to cloud infrastructure and apps.
Software Stack Built for the Cloud

Cato’s tightly integrated networking and security software stack is efficiently built from the ground-up for elastic and scalable cloud service delivery.
Plug Into Cato with Simplicity and Ease

Branch offices and mobile users can easily plug into the Cato Cloud using software clients, existing on-premise equipment or dedicated plug-and-play tunnel device.